Development Strategy

Continue to expand our business by mergers and acquisitions or investments in order to expand our market shares in the property management service industry in the PRC

To capture the growth in the property management service industry in the Yangtze River Delta Megalopolis, we plan to continue to expand our business by mergers and acquisitions or investments of property management companies.

We plan to acquire or invest in property management companies;which have good market recognition to expand our property management portfolio;which are engaged in the provision of specialised services and possess various kinds of qualifications and licences;and which provide products or services which are complementary to our community value-added services.

Continue to scale up our business in non-residential properties to further diversify our revenue streams and growth drivers

We endeavour to expand our property management service portfolio by extending our services to various types of properties.

We intend to scale up our business in non-residential properties to an increasing number of non-residential properties by actively developing our property management services of non-residential properties to nurture new business and growth drivers.

Continue to diversify our community value-added services and enhance our brand recognition

We plan to upgrade our branding capabilities by promoting our “Living+” social media account and introduce more business partners, primarily operators providing services beyond our scope of offering such as elderly care services, health and fitness services and pre-school education services to our “Living+” social media account to better address our customers’needs on a real-time basis.

Similar to our existing community value-added services which we collaborate with laundry service provides, car washing service provides and agricultural products suppliers, we aim to build a network of business partners which wish to feature their services or products on our “Living+” social media account, thereby enriching its content and creating more business opportunities for us.

Invest in intelligent systems to improve our service quality and enhance our customers’ experience

We strive to provide more convenient and reliable services to our property owners and occupants.

To further develop our intelligent systems, we intend to actively seek for possible engagement from government, property developers and financial institutions to promote our capabilities in intelligent systems through more high-profile projects. We also plan to work with industry leading intelligent systems suppliers to enhance our intelligent technologies.

  Upgrade our internal information technology systems to enhance operational efficiency

 To increase our operational efficiency and lower our cost of management, we plan to upgrade our enterprise resource planning management systems and digitalised data management systems.

We intend to outsource to independent third party developer to help with the system upgrade, implementation and personnel training.

