Management Team

Our Board currently consists of seven Directors, comprising one executive Directors, three non-executive Directors and three independent non-executive Directors.

  • Executive Director
  • Non-Executive Director
  • Independent Non-Executive Director
  • Senior Management
  • Mr. Xie Chenguang

    Chairman and Executive Director

    Mr. Xie Chenguang, born in 1962, joined our Group in December 1998. He was re-designated as our non-executive director on 18 June 2019, and redesignated as executive director on 29 June 2024. Mr. Xie is primarily responsible for the formulation and provision of guidance and development strategies for the overall development of our Group. Mr. Xie is currently also a non-executive director of Yincheng International, a company listed on the Main Board of The Hong Kong Stock Exchange(stock code: 1902). Mr. Xie has more than 34 years of experience in the engineering and real estate industry in the PRC. Prior to joining our Group, Mr. Xie worked in several positions, including vice general engineer and chief of the technical department at Nanjing Sanjian (Group) Company , currently known as Nanjing Construction Engineering Group Co., Ltd.(南京建工集团有限公司) from October 1983 to November 1998, responsible for construction project management. He was chief of the technical department when he left to join our Group. Mr. Xie obtained a diploma in industrial and civil engineering from Nanjing Jinling Vocational University in the PRC in August 1983. He received a bachelor’s degree in construction project management from Southeast University in the PRC in July 1998, and his Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree from China Europe International Business School in the PRC in September 2007. Mr. Xie obtained a professional qualification as a senior engineer in November 2000.

  • Mr. Huang Qingping

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr. Huang Qingping, born in 1963, joined us in September 1992.  He was re-designated as our non-executive director on 18 June 2019. He is primarily responsible for the provision of guidance for the overall development of our Group.
    Currently, Mr. Huang is also the chairman and a non-executive director of Yincheng International, a company listed on the Main Board (stock code: 1902). Mr. Huang has over 25 years’ experience in the real estate industry in the PRC. Before joining our Group, Mr. Huang was the section chief at the Gulou District Urban Construction Bureau , currently known as Building and Transportation Bureau of Gulou District, Nanjing(南京市鼓楼区建设房屋和交通局) from October 1983 to September 1992, responsible for urban planning. Mr. Huang obtained his diploma in industrial and civil engineering from Nanjing Jinling Vocational Universityin the PRC in August 1983.

  • Mr. Yao Ning

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr. Yao, aged 57, was appointed as a non-executive Director on 24 August 2023. Mr. Yao has extensive experience in administration management. Mr. Yao iscurrently the chief executive officer of Jiangsu Ruihua Investment Holding Group Co.,Limited*(江蘇瑞華投資控股集團有限公司) (“Ruihua Investment”), and is mainlyresponsible for the daily operation of the group. Prior to joining Ruihua Investment in 2018,Mr. Yao worked for Tiandi Real Estate Company*(天地房地產公司), Nanjing Bailu LakeReal Estate Development Co. Ltd.*(南京白鷺湖房地產開發有限公司), Nanjing QilinVilla Development Co. Ltd.*(南京麒麟山莊開發有限公司) and Fullshare Group from2004 to 2018. From 1987 to 2004, Mr. Yao worked at Factory 518 of the Ministry of Postsand Telecommunications of the People’s Republic of China (中國郵電部518廠) (currentlyknown as Nanjing Putian Telecommunications Co., Ltd.*(南京普天通信股份有限公司))(listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code: 200468). Mr. Yao graduated fromNanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, majoring in materials engineering.

  • Mr. Pan Xiaohu

    Non-Executive Director

    Mr. Pan, aged 52, was appointed as a non-executive Director on 24 August 2023. Mr. Pan has more than 25 years of experience in asset management and investment.He has been the director of investment banking of Ruihua Investment since 2009, and ismainly responsible for asset management and investment decision making. Mr. Pan worked ata number of asset management companies, including Qide Investment Management Co., Ltd.*(啟德投資管理有限公司), Dinghui Investment Fund Management Company*(鼎暉投資基金管理公司) and Jiangsu Venture Capital Co., Ltd.*(江蘇創業投資有限公司). Mr. Panhas been a director of Nanjing Zhizhen Electronic Technology Corp.*(南京智真電子科技股份有限公司) (listed on the NEEQ, stock code: 873008) since 2016, and he was a directorof Jiangsu Hoperun Software Company Limited*(江蘇潤和軟件股份有限公司) (listed onthe GEM Board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange, stock code: 300339) from 2017 to 2020and a supervisor of Jiangsu Carephar Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.*(江蘇柯菲平醫藥股份有限公司) (listed on the NEEQ, stock code: 870447) from 2016 to 2019. Mr. Pan graduated fromSoutheast University with a master degree.

  • Mr. Li Yougen

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    Mr. Li Yougen,born in 1967,was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on 15 october 2019. He is also a member of our audit committee, remuneration committee and nomination committee. Mr. Li has over 28 years of experience in teaching PRC law in China. From March 1990 to March 1992, he was a teaching assistant at the department of law at Nanjing University, responsible for teaching and researching of PRC law. He was a lecturer at the same department at Nanjing University from March 1992 to June 1997, and was promoted as an associate professor in May 1997. In May 2004, he was further promoted as a professor of law at Nanjing University.Mr. Li obtained a bachelor of laws degree from Nanjing University in July 1987. He also obtaineda master degree in laws from Nanjing University in April 1990. In July 2002, he obtained a PhD degree in Economic Law from the Renmin University of China. From December 2012 to December 2018, Mr. Li was an independent non-executive director of Jiangsu Nongken Agricultural Development Co. Ltd. , a company that is listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (stock code: 601952) which principally engages in the agricultural and grain production business. Since May 2016, he has been an independent non-executive director of Nanjing Quanxin   Cable Technology Co. Ltd., a company that is listed on the Shenzhen Stock Exchange (stock code: 300447) which principally engages in the development and production of military lighting and electric transmission products. Since June 2016, he has also been an independent non-executive director of Luculent Smart Technologies Co., Ltd., a company that principally engages in intelligence construction. Save as disclosed above, Mr. Li does not have any current or past directorships in any listed companies in the last three years prior to the Latest Practicable Date.

  • Mr. Mao Ning

    Independent Non-Executive Director

    Mr. Mao Ning,born in 1955,was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on 15 october 2019. He is also the chairman of our remuneration committee and a member of our audit committee and nomination committee. Mr. Mao has over 34 years of experience in teaching management science in China. From July 1984 to July 1988, he was a lecturer at the National University of Defense Technology. He then joined Nanjing University as a lecturer in January 1989, and was promoted as a professor in March 1998. Mr. Mao obtained his bachelor degree in engineering (automatic control systems) from the National University of Defense Technology in January 1982. In July 1984, he obtained a master degree in engineering (automatic control systems) from the National University of Defense Technology. He also obtained a PhD degree in engineering from Nanjing University in December 1988.Since January 2015, Mr. Mao has been an independent non-executive director of Jinling Hotel Corp Ltd.(stock code: 601007). Since April 2015, Mr. Mao has been an independent non-executive director of CTS International Logistics Corp Ltd. (stock code: 603128). Since October 2015, Mr. Mao has been an independent non-executive director of Nanjing Chixia Development Co., Ltd. (stock code: 600533).

  • Mr. Chow Siu Hang

    Independent Non-Executive Director

        Mr. Chow Siu Hang,born in 1976,was appointed as our independent non-executive Director on 15 october 2019. He is also the chairman of our audit committee and a member of our remuneration committee and nomination committee. Mr. Chow has over 13 years of experience in the investment banking and financial auditing field. He also has extensive knowledge and expertise on capital market transactions including initial public offerings, financial advisory, and merger and acquisitions. Since April 2018, Mr. Chow has been the managing director of Essence Corporate Finance (Hong Kong) Limited. Mr. Chow is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants. Mr Chow received a bachelor’s degree in accountancy from the City University of Hong Kong in November 1998. Since June 2018, Mr. Chow has been as an independent non-executive director of Ziyuanyuan Holdings Group Limited, a company listed on GEM of the Stock Exchange (stock code: 8223) which principally engages in provision of equipment-based finance leasing services to small and medium-sized enterprises customers in the printing, logistics and medical device industries in the PRC.

  • Mr. Li Chunling

    Senior Management

    Mr. Li Chunling, born in 1976, is our president. Mr. Li joined our Group in February 2014. Mr. Li is primarily responsible for the overall strategic decision, business planning and daily management and operation of our Group. He was appointed as our Director on 13 June 2019 and was re-designated as our executive Director on 18 June 2019, and resigned from executive Director  on 3 June 2024. Mr. Li received his bachelor’s degree in law from the Renmin University of China  in the PRC (which was a long distance learning course) in September 2008, and his Executive Master of Business Administration (EMBA) degree from China Europe International Business School  in the PRC in November 2018. He has obtained professional qualification as a certified property manager from the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the PRC since February 2014. He was also granted the award of Model Worker of Nanjing  by the Nanjing Municipal People’s Government of the PRC in 2006.

  • Ms. Yin Xiaoli

    Senior Management

    Ms. Yin Xiaoli,born in 1979,is our Group’s vice president and is in charge of operation management centre and branding department. Ms. Yin joined our Group in July 2002 and was appointed as our vice president subsequently. She has over 16 years of experience in the real estate industry in the PRC. Ms. Yin received her bachelor’s degree in information management from the School of Government of Nanjing University in the PRC in July 2002. She obtained her professional qualification as a corporate human resources manager (Grade 2) from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC in July 2012. She obtained her qualification as a security (Grade 3) from the Jiangsu Human Resources and Social Security Department*of the PRC in December 2016.

  • Ms. Fan Xingxia

    Senior Management

    Ms. Fan Xingxia,Born in 1979,is our Group’s vice president and is in charge of our residential property affairs department. Ms. Fan joined our Group in August 2003 and was appointed as our vice president subsequently. She has over 15 years of experience in the real estate industry in the PRC. Ms. Fan received her diploma in administration management from the Southwest University of Science and Technology in the PRC (which was a long distance learning course) in July 2013. She has obtained her professional qualification as property manager from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security Department of the PRC in September 2011.

  • Ms. Zhou Guihua

    Senior Management

    Ms. Zhou Guihua, born in 1977, is the Group’s vice president and is in charge of the Group’s Xincheng business unit. Ms. Zhou joined the Group in July 2019 and was appointed as the vice president subsequently. Prior to joining the Group, Ms. Zhou worked as the general manager in Nanjing Baishi Property Management Co., Ltd. from May 2014 to July 2019 where she was responsible for the overall business planning and daily management and operation. Ms. Zhou received her master’s degree in business administration from the Southeast University in the PRC in July 2011. Ms. Zhou obtained her professional qualifications from the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security of the PRC as a corporate human resources manager (Grade 2) in 2008, a certified property manager in 2013, and an economic professional in 2019.